We offer expert services ranging from Concept Design to complete Game Production

Production Services

mobileFX™ has experience in designing and producing top-selling, high quality games.

We provide full service, from strategy and consultancy to concept design and build.

We have developed technology for porting Flash games to HTML5 and we can help you create a new portfolio or port your existing one to new technologies.

Multi-Channel Games

We can design games for any screen resolution and aspect ratio, and with our award-winning cross-compilation technology we can deliver games that run on any platform.

The same game is delivered as a web package for desktop and mobile HTML5 browsers and as a C++ native bundle for iOS, Android and x86 VLT devices.

Responsible Gaming

mobileFX™ ensures that games are developed to the highest standards and meet the requirements set by regulators with a focus on fairness, player protection and security.

We can collaborate with independent Accredited Test Facilities (ATF) to verify that our games meet all the standards of the regulated markets.


We design and develop Serious Games, Educational Games, Games for Kids, Advergames, Casual Games and i-Games

Serious Games

A serious game or applied game is a game designed for a primary purpose other than pure entertainment.

The "serious" adjective is generally prepended to refer to video games used by industries like defense, education, scientific exploration, health care, emergency management, city planning, engineering, and politics.

Educational Games

An educational video game is a video game that provides learning or training value to the player. Edutainment describes an intentional merger of video games and educational software into a single product.

Such games often explore Physics, Mathematics, Geometry, Chemistry, Astronomy, etc.

Games for Kids

Games for Kids are educational games for younger ages that aim to promote cognitive skills and thinking. Such games are simple matching games, line drawing games, coloring games, puzzle games, simple arithmetic games, crossword games, etc.

The term describes educational software which is primarily about cognitive skills development.

Advergames (Advertising using games)

Advergames often become the most visited aspect of brand websites and becoming an integrated part of brand media planning in an increasingly fractured media environment.

Advergames promote repeated traffic to websites and reinforce brands. Users choosing to register to be eligible for prizes can help marketers collect customer data.

Casual Games

Casual games derive their name from their ease of accessibility, simple to understand gameplay and quick to grasp rule sets. Casual games frequently support the ability to jump in and out of play on demand.

Examples of genres within this category are match-three, hidden object, time management, puzzle or many of the tower defense style games.


i-Games are casino video games played either on-line in Operator sites or on land-based terminals. i-Games are divided in the following verticals:

● Slot Machines
● Instant Win Games
● Bingo
● Roulette
● Card Games
● Number Games


For most of our projects we do Scrum following this general pipeline



For defining the specification we perform interviews with our customers and try to understand their business and their needs.

We derive Game Design Document (GDD) so that we discover hidden details and challenges.

During this phase we focus on User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX).



We perform Effort Estimation of our work and provide justification of effort to our clients.

We involve our customers in the Project Management process.

We use Agile Scrum and JIRA to organize our work.



During Development phase (DEV) we build you game using the latest technologies and frameworks.

We deliver on time and on-budget.

We partition our deployment process in Functional Acceptance Testing (FAT), User Acceptance Testing (UAT) before we release the game.


Our special ops team is ready to fight for your success!

Game Producer

Video game producer is the person in charge of overseeing development of a video game, speaks with the customer and makes sure the deadlines are met.

Game Designer

Game Designers devise what a game consists of, how it plays and communicate this to the rest of the development team who create the art assets and computer code.

Art Director

Art director is responsible for reviewing all art assets for quality and supervises teams of artists, animators, and designers from concept to ship date.

Game Artist

Artists create 2D art, such as, concept art, sprites, textures and environment backdrops; and 3D art, such as, models, characters, objects and level layout.

Audio Composer

Audio composers create the soundtrack for a game, including music, sound effects, action sounds, character voices, voice-overs and ambient effects.

Game Developer

Game developers compose the UI/UX of the game by linking code with graphical assets and audio. They are involved end-to-end in all aspects in game creation.

Full-Stack Developer

Full-stack developers are familiar with all layers in software development and have functional knowledge to integrate a game with a remote game server.

Game Tester

Testers thoroughly examine games for defects by running over and over again test scenarios and use cases on various computers, smartphones and tablet devices.

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We are proficient with a vast array of
Game Development IDEs, SDKs and Frameworks


Unity is a cross-platform game engine used to create 3D, 2D, virtual reality, and augmented reality games. The engine offers a primary scripting API in C# and JavaScript called UnityScript.


WebAssembly is a set of standards that define a portable binary format and a corresponding language similar to the assembler language (Assembly) for executable program and environment-specific program interfaces into which it may be embedded and interact with.


Phaser is a free 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile. Phaser uses both a Canvas and WebGL renderer internally and can automatically swap between them based on browser support. It uses the Pixi.js library for rendering.


Cocos2d is an open source software framework used to build games, apps and other cross platform GUI based interactive programs. Cocos2d contains many branches with the best known being Cocos2d-objc, Cocos2d-x, Cocos2d-html5 and Cocos2d-XNA.


In our portfolio we have Educational Games,
Serious Games, Casual Games, Advergames and i-Games

© Copyright mobileFX - All Rights Reserved


mobileFX is founding member of gi-Cluster

gi-Cluster is a Gaming & Creative Technologies Cluster, with mission to become an innovation and business ecosystem

mobileFX™ Products

WebKitX ActiveX
Chromium Embedded Framework wrapper for OLE/COM programming languages.

End-to-End Rapid Prototyping Framework for i-Games and Game Studios.


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